Monday, January 30, 2012

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Everyman's Journal 2012, #3

© 2012 Rev. David Seacord

January 30

I've realized recently that the most important thing I am/we are here do in this life is simply 'to grow'. I'm seeing that this is the only completely true purpose for being here, for ultimately this world is only here to be a school. By looking into the mirror of my life I will know exactly how I have grown by the way that I live, for like it or not, the way that I live exactly reflects my consciousness, and it is by this example that I am being that is teaching others either to love or to fear. The world simply reflects this, and it will always reflect this.

We cannot escape our personal suffering without truly growing beyond the egoic and personal, for our life and all it contains is our own creation, and all paths that transcend suffering require that we first be fully responsible for all our creations. It is the acid test, yet as we sucessfully grow, and we do inevitably choose to be more and more responsible for the conditions of our life, we grow into beings that inspire others to likewise grow. This is the only path I can see by which our world shall ever become visibly whole and healed. And it is self-obvious that our true guiding inspiration in this is always sourced in 'the Love never-ending'.

A primary quality of the Love-never-ending is that it is never judging and that it is also all-accepting. How could it not be… for the Love-never-ending is the Summation and Fullness of the Source… There is nothing that it is not… andthat fact is what allows us to have 'the choices of free will' in our lives. This all-inclusive gift of individual freedom is the necessary precondition to authentic spiritual growth, for no one can add a single micron to their spiritual stature except by freely chosen acceptance of and surrender to the life-lessons directly before them. True, all life-lessons can be (temporarily) refused (or delayed), and one of the most often used refusal methods is to create a 'something else' that will appear valid in the eyes of the world…. which prevents you from following your truth. Perhaps it is a law we believe we must follow, or a previous promise you/I have made…. whatever it is, it is always something that binds us to it in a way that others will say "You are right" or "I understand how you couldn't" etc. Yet the insight that spirit would have me see is that in most cases these past-based binding are intentionally not broken free of on purpose… and the purpose is so that I/we/you can keep using them to escape doing the work our spiritual growth requires of us here. We simply delude ourselves if we call this avoidance maneuver 'freedom'. It is actually simply the extending of our suffering, of continuing choosing to be 'a separated one'. To end our delusion, we must choose to see this, and allow that seeing to change who we are.

My view is that true freedom is simply being true… absolutely true… to our soul wholeness. That is what 'the straight and narrow path' is all about, about living from an inner wholeness of personal integrity. Throughout time, many peoples have misunderstand this though, and based upon their misunderstandings, they created societal mores and rules that were collectively installed in various religious cultures which defined approved and unapproved way of 'walking the narrow way'. Extended into our collective consciousness, these misunderstandings ultimately have created war, not unity, as faiths and cultures and the nations built on them have collided just like individual egos, and play the games of domination and power.

None of this is 'being true to your soul'. My view is that there is no such thing as 'your' soul (individually)…. really… there is only 'our' soul… the soul Unity. My view is that this soul Unity is the seat of true knowledge…. for it is the knowledge that there is only one of us... and that is what we must learn to never deny. And beyond that, it is the knowledge that only God's creative Word is 'law'. That 'law' is, and will always be, Love.

Therefore, let us let Love be installed as the Great Guiding Law in my/our/your life. The installation is available for the asking, instantly. No matter what the circumstance we may face, it will end the lie…. the delusions of our personal mythology.




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Rev. David Seacord

Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

(my fine art website)

(archived writings and poetry, circa 2002 to 2004)

(archived 2010 writings on the lessons of A Course in Miracles)

(archived entries of this years Everyman's Journal)

(info on The Love Declaration)

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