Everyman's Journal 2012, #4 © 2012 Rev. David Seacord January 31 To give up resistance to 'what is' means (among other things) that anyone can enter into your/my life. (This is, of course, the ego's nightmare.) And it also means you/I don't go running after anything (another ego nightmare)…. that we allow whatever is presented to enter…. just as it is… accepting it for what it is and what it isn't, without any attempt to change it or control it… except via one pure exception. That one exception is Absolute Love. For being that is our spiritual work, our practice. To water this world with our Love…. that we may… in fact we are encouraged…to attempt that. And all such attempting is met with a helping grace many times our effort expended….for such is the Law of Good. The reason that Love is the only intervention exception is that it is the only place we can possibly stand in that has no self-interest, and therefore it cannot be corrupted, and being uncorrupted, it only heals. Therefore, this is our true goal…. to learn to love until we are that selfless…so selfless that we cannot see ourselves a separate from any other. There is no greater spiritual work in this world, nor can our lives leave a greater gift in the lives of others than to live this as our practice, our Way. As with anything of worth, practice is necessary. So are the failures that are part of the practice. So is the cleaning up of the messes that are created as a part of the failures. We are near to God when we begin to continually recognize the non-accidentalness of each moment of our lives. It usually happens that it is at the same moment that we truly give up our resistance to 'what is' that we see this finally, clearly. And it is in this clarity that we also discover our inherent trustableness. This discovery does transform us, for finally being trustable to ourselves, we also can now begin to truly love ourselves, which is the fundamental transformation that all real spiritual growth is built upon. From that moment on, our own self-love connects us to everything as ourself. What motive do we have left within us then… to be better than, superior, remain separate or hold onto power over others? The answer (seen from 'everything as ourself') is of course, NONE. When this is completely our reality, all that can be said is that we are each unique, greatly appreciable, and totally equal. This is the source of 'We hold these truths to be self-evident…. that all men are created equal'. It is also the source of the principle of why spiritual growth requires individual freedom… simply because for our uniqueness to be manifested it must not be constrained into some artificial or political uniformity arising from the desire of some to more conveniently exercise control over others. No one spiritually awake desires to control others. None so awake would wish the karma that such desire accrues. Therefore let us, awake to our unity, continue our journey into fearlessness…. into our freedom. We do this by simply accepting this moment as it is while at the same time releasing it without any attachment. Like a beautiful music unfolding, this is walking in faith through life, knowing that all that we need will be provided as life takes us to our best possible destiny. Namaste, David *********************************** My partnership request.... Please consider yourself an important gateway this message is passing through on its way to others. Please do 'send it on'. Thank you. ************************************ Rev. David Seacord Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag david@davidseacord.com www.davidseacord.com (my fine art website) www.davidseacord-everymansjournal.blogspot.com (archived writings and poetry, circa 2002 to 2004) www.davidseacord-acimcommentaries.blogspot.com (archived 2010 writings on the lessons of A Course in Miracles) www.everymansjournal2011.blogspot.com (archived entries of Everyman's Journal 2011) www.everymansjournal2012.blogspot.com (archived entries of Everyman's Journal 2012) www.thelovedeclaration.org (info on The Love Declaration) To subscribe, simply click on the code below to open the subscribe window. http://davidseacord.us1.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=306aba00e6959c604de750bcc&id=62a1ee7045 |
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